Ideal Gulf Coast Site at the Port of Lake Charles
LCM controls one of the best sites on the Gulf Coast for the Project. LCM is leasing a 75-acre site from the Port of Lake Charles along the Calcasieu Ship Channel as the main site for its clean energy facility. An additional site near the Port’s new dock facilities will provide room for the Project’s methanol storage tanks.
Important site features include:
Ready access to interstate natural gas pipelines
Access to roads, rail, inland waterways, and deep water (Gulf of Mexico)
Nearby CO2 pipeline infrastructure
Favorable geology in the surrounding region for CO2 sequestration
Utility interconnections
Port docks and infrastructure
Substantially prepared and ready for construction start
The site and Project design will both mitigate flooding risk during hurricanes. The site is 30 miles north of the Louisiana coastline and protected from severe storm surges. A steel bulkhead and perimeter drainage have already been installed and the site will be raised above the 100-year flood level prior to construction. None of the recent hurricane events that have impacted the region have caused flooding above the bulkhead or 100-year flood level. In addition, the control room and critical modular equipment will sit on raised foundations, ensuring they are not subject to flooding.
“The Lake Charles Methanol II Project is a key opportunity for the Port of Lake Charles to expand its terminal facilities and services and to grow as an increasingly important international Port for the export of chemicals and commodities. We are excited to be the home of a project that uses innovative technology to create an exciting future for the Port of Lake Charles.”